Hermes International has its 2011 reference document with the AMF (AMF) 12 April 2012.
The document can be viewed and downloaded by visiting the website of the company,
The document contains the following:
- The annual review of policies;
- The parent company and consolidated financial statements 2011;
- The report of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board on the principles of corporate governance applied to the company, taking into account the composition of the Council and the principle of equal representation of men and women in the Council, the conditions for the preparation and organization of work of the Supervisory Board and the internal control and risk management are carried out by the Company;
- The description of the share repurchase program in accordance with Article 241-2 of the AMF General Regulations;
- The report of the Supervisory Board;
- Reports of the Auditors on the financial statements, the consolidated financial statements in 2011, regulated agreements and commitments, and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and certain extraordinary decisions;
- Legal costs associated with auditors in 2011.
- Will take the description and the contents of the proposed resolutions to the General Meeting of Shareholders, submitted by 29 May 2012.
As required by Article 222-3 of the AMF General Regulation, the document contains the annual financial report 2011th